Timothy Burbridge, PhD


Postdoctoral Fellow



Education and Training: 

  • 2016-Present: Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Gordon Fishell and Dr. Bernardo Rudy, Neuroscience Institute, NYU School of Medicine, Simons Society of Fellows Junior Fellow
  • 2008-2015: Ph.D. in Neurobiology with Dr. Michael Crair, Yale University, “Molecular and activity-dependent mechanisms of visual circuit development”
  • 2006-2008: Research Assistant in Dyslexia Research Laboratory with Dr. Albert Galaburda and Dr. Glenn D. Rosen, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • 2002-2006: B.A. in Biology, Williams College

Current or Past Study:
I am particularly interested in the genetic and molecular factors that lie downstream of early neural activity patterns and which are believed to mediate neural circuit and activity modifications. My prior work was focused on deciphering the relative importance of both very early (cell migration and positioning) and somewhat later (spontaneous activity-dependent plasticity) stages of circuit development and their respective contributions to adult circuits and developmental disorder. I aim to use this knowledge of early activity-dependent circuit plasticity to investigate the genetic and molecular processes that are believed to translate early spontaneous and sensory-evoked neural activity patterns into both structural changes in interneuron subtypes as well as altered levels and patterns of inhibitory and excitatory activity in the maturing central nervous system. My overarching goal is to relate findings from these critical periods of development to neurodevelopmental disease and injury models, with the objectives of improved diagnosis and treatment of currently enigmatic and intractable conditions.